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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Recorder Karate - Grades 4-6
White Belt - Hot Cross Buns
Yellow Belt - Gently Sleep
Orange Belt - Merrily We Roll Along
Green Belt - It's Raining
Purple Belt - Old McDonald or Good Night Ladies
Blue Belt - When The Saints Go Marching or Rain Rain
Red Belt - Jingle Bells
Brown Belt - Amazing Grace or Happy Birthday
Black Belt - Ode to Joy or William Tell Overture
​Music Game
Click here to play the music theory game!
Below are some fun songs that you can try playing at home!
Here are the steps to learning a new song!
Say the names of the notes
Say and clap the rhythms
Finger (pretend that you are playing)
Play it :)
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